I tried to get out of it by dancing in the morning, celebrating that I am awake another day! Between the deaths I am dealing with, the pain of my back and head, I was a bit, ehem, pensive and grumpy! You can see the bags under my eyes really good today in the photos...I am tired!
Carnegie Mellon University professor Randy Pausch, it was hard hearing this morning that Randy had died today. This is the photo when he trained with the Pittsburgh Steelers, fulfilling another of his dreams last October.
Pausch was diagnosed with incurable pancreatic cancer in September 2006. His popular last lecture at Carnegie Mellon in September 2007 garnered international attention and was viewed by millions on the Internet. In it, Pausch celebrated living the life he had always dreamed of instead of concentrating on impending death. "The lecture was for my kids, but if others are finding value in it, that is wonderful," Pausch wrote on his Web site. "But rest assured; I'm hardly unique."
I guess there is a part of me that was so inspired by him, and that it gave me hope with my friend battling this disease. And seeing he had died today, with all the death I have been facing this week and change, it just hit really hard. But I will remain inspired by his teaching ... Live Today! Don't let it go by without having fun every day...even if the fun is short lived, find it! I will hold in my heart thanks for Randy sharing his life...bringing to the forefront my views on life.
I was glad to sit and listen to podcasts at my desk about various emotional things today. I can't blame the retiree's, they kept calling and emailing to find out what happened with Patti, and I talked to people I haven't heard from in years! I was glad to listen to these quotes today! To try to focus on the real meaning of my life, not the work I do, that does not define me, but the inner life I have, the connection to life and the people who mean a lot to me. Focus on the good...not the sad and heavy.
Befriend your breathing, surf on the wave of your own breathing! It centers and gives you the gift of the presence! Ride on the waves of the breathe in the issue of the day! Dancing with the actuality brings happiness. Orient yourself to the present moment!
Embrace the full catastrophe of life.
Regret is the only wound that will not heal - live with out regret. Regrets gnaw at you.
It makes me think of my spirituality...not religion, I don't believe in religion...but who I am spiritually. Am I growing? Am I getting it? Am I living it? Am I believing it? What is spirituality? And leaving the fears behind.
And then I played a little too, did some art...and here is Mona Gypsy