I don't sleep well when I am not home...it was a relief to have my own bed with my honey next to me. I appreciate him always but I sure do after I have been gone a few days! I was lazy today, worked on my necklace when I could, did a bit of knitting but it was SO HOT I mainly melted! Snort!
Gypsy Junk Necklace I made on the trip. Well we had about 6 or 7 different necklaces, silver and gold, that we could use the wire cutters on to cut enough for the 4 of us. Then we made jump rings with head pins (I recommend using jump rings that have that closure that you have to split so they don't fall off! we had issues with that and I am now fixing mine!) Then we added charms we had made, beads, St. Christophers, lockets, old buttons and earrings....bits and pieces all put together. I added frames for photos that I still have to put on. You just JUNK IT UP...and then I made mine double stranded and put a closure on the back to take it on and off with...LOVING it! Easy we had them done in a couple of hours and wore them to dinner that night! Giggle
We were going to go to dinner and movie but the heat has exhausted both of us...so we just hung out dripping! I watched a lot of catch up TV and am going to bed now, my bedroom is the coolest in the house since I had the windows open and fan going so it won't be so bad when I go in.