Today the boy was in town and I was able to see him for a few hours. He brought his new girl friend, well actually she dropped him off and only came in for a few minutes. It was nice to see him.
He loves to watch movies like I do. We watched a really cheesy movie...The Wicker was bad! Normally I like Nick Cage movies...but this one was bad!
And then I took him and Jaclyn (The WGB's daughter) to dinner at my fav Mexican
Restaurant and had a good time. The only thing I did not have a margarita since I was driving! Pout They make the greatest Coconut Margarita's there! Since I have been there last they re-did the decor, all the masks are gone and they have huge wonderful paintings up and some cool Mexican Urns that look like they are made from Fimo clay! But the walls were still brightly colored! Love it!
When we got back home I gave him his present. I had found it in LA on my trip. It is a beautiful portable Chess/Checker set for when he travels. He loves to play in the park with people all over the place when he is visiting here. It went by way too quickly!
I think he loved his present, it is really well done and has a place for the game pieces when you put it away! you can tie it to a backpack or your pants easily too.
I miss his face when he is gone from me too long. And my emotions get so crazy
when he has to leave. He told me that my grand son is potty trained now and that they bribed him with a bike! LOL Hey what ever works! Not to judge but when your 3 you should be potty trained! LOL