Getting ready for the day and SO not liking the new make up it is way to light for me...or I am still learning how to put it on...maybe it is just my mood...Grrr I don't feel good...
Every Tuesday and Thursday this little imp comes by my desk to pick on me, he always tells me he is going to take my picture...and today I snuck one of HIM while he didn't know it! He makes me smile...right now he is yelling at me that he thought we were friends! Giggle He has worked at my department for 28 years this week! He never forgets anything you tell him.
My fleurs from Sunday are still looking beautiful and I am learning how to use the MACRO on my camera! I keep putting it on by accident and now I am doing it on purpose and learning some new stuff. Another easy healthy dinner again tonight. I worked on my sweater tonight for a little while, I decided to add some length to it since I frogged the ribbing...make it a little longer. I am back to being hopeful about the sweater!