Badass women doing their art!

  • Effy Wild
    Badass artist, follow her, take some classes, become a badass!
  • LoriMarsha
    I am honored to own several pieces of her art!
  • Lindsay Ostrom
    Another friends blog! Man alive this woman is a prolific artist! I love her and her art!
  • Pip Notes
    Such a good friend to me!
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Member since 05/2004

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008


kelly snelling

awww! i'm so flattered that you tagged me! thank you gypsy. and i am very impressed with your list of different things. you should be extremely proud of yourself for teaching yourself all those wonderful things. i am not dyslexic and i know i couldn't learn to do half the things you taught yourself! you are amazing! xoxo-k


Some times when I finish some thing and sit back and REALLY take it in, I am so amazes me! Thank you for recognizing that! My secret to that is being willing to do it BADLY until I can do it well! Giggle
Hugs and thanks!


Wow thanks my dear.. for tagging me and my blog!! you are an fantastic artist and an accomplished knitter and excel in all you do! you are awesome my friend and such an inspiration to me!! I am honored to be picked and will post some on my blog as soon as can think of 7 things!! hehehe! love ya!! Linda


WOW on what you just wrote! How fantastic you are!!!!

I am so honored by what you just wrote! what a fantastic way to start a week off!
Thank you!!!!

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Effy Wild Class 2019

  • February work
    I am in Effy Wilds 365 Class If you want to stretch yourself as a person and an artist consider taking one of her classes! You can find her here:

Gypsy Tarot Card Art

  • Death
    These are photos of the Collage Cards that I am doing in an Online Tarot Class. I am placing the images on used CDs...kind of recycling!