I was invited to a virtual party and didn't want to show up empty handed so I created a collage for Calamity Kim! Go visit her blog here. HBD Birthday girl!
Since I don't bake a collage was the best I could do! Smirk
All this month I have classes on Weds mornings...and today was funny because I am NOT mechanical and we had to work as a "team" to put together a lego type helicopter! LOL We all played well together...but seriously some of my team has OCD...they would NOT stop even though time was up!
Being close to Valentines Day I was putting on the red! I have to say I love red/black/gray together! I need to do a black and white scarf AND a red and white scarf! In cashmere when I get the cash! LOL
When I got back to my cubie...MAIL had come!!!!! Yeah!!!! My Round Robin Scarf came from Bev !!!!! Yeah I have to add mine to it and it is done!
A Jek package! I had won a contest on her blog about a year ago and she felt SO bad for not sending the gift! I say NO FOUL she was not required to do it! But today it made my day cheerful and fun! AND she put in there one of her new pillows with a dragonfly on it that I really wanted! So I scored!
Jek KNOWS how to pack a giftie tub! Such a small thing and yet she PACKED tons of fun into it!