So I ran to pay our rent where our bank moved for "our" convienance...a little joke between my boyfriend and I. (The bank moved from OUR city to the city next to us in a horrible place that is SO inconvenient but they said it was for OUR convienance that they moved! Snort) Any way, while I was in the neighborhood I stopped in at Borders and picked up my magz finally except for Juxoposed...they didn't have it! Gah!

However, what a delightful surprise to see one of the artists that I predicted over a year ago would sky rocket and THERE SHE WAS IN THE MAG! I should work some where where I predict the new hot artists! I would so rock at that! ANYWAY, I am so lucky to have some of her art!

Then I picked up so yarn for my Hells Kitchen yarn that I want to make a shawl from but I have to add some yarn so I am doing black... and then found the orangie color that I want to try to make a crochet blanket is very soft!
Still working on my Funky Pink Fleur Shawl...its coming along...