Some believe that depression is really anger turned inwards, Gypsy. This might be something you want to seriously consider today. How well do you handle anger? Do you express it at the time or bury it? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Anger doesn't have to be the enemy. It can be an excellent signal that something isn't right for you. Try viewing it this way and seek out ways to communicate it when it occurs. Stuffing it can only make things worse.
The Cards
Love: The High Priestess Touchstone: The Pope Career: The Moon
At work, almost nothing can upset you today. The association of the Moon and the Pope indicates a lot of confidence in you and your ability to find creative and ingenious solutions to any problems you encounter. Even if you're a little hypersensitive, you know how to preserve a calm exterior under any circumstances, enabling you to react in the right way. You inspire confidence!
I have often thought of depression that way. Hum, HOW do I handle anger? I have to think on this more...but I think that the last year or so I have been STUFFING it!