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Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Alma Stoller

Oh goodness,

So very sorry about that....hopefully he will change his mind. I have a good friend who is originally from Brazil...and it is scary and dangerous out there.
Yes, beautiful, but anything can go down at any moment.
He needs to think about it.
I feel your pain.
Keep us posted.



Oh my. Heartbreaking definitely.

Where is that EASY button on raising kids that we said we needed?

Big hugs, and I hope that he'll rethink his decision.

amanda button

It is so hard for me to look at my sons and imagine that a day will come when i will have to "cut the apron strings" like this!!! Agony! I sincerely hope he changes his mind and that you can find some peace in this situation.

Joy Logan

What happened did he go? Please tell me,is that why you are worried? I could make your hair stand on end with story's about my son. I have been to the edge and back gf with what he has put me thru,but we love them so,they are flesh and blood. So we keep on keepin on. Hopefully my doc keeps me on the right meds to get thru it all.

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