Not sure how I feel...of course you don't even want your worst enemies to suffer...Tammy Faye...
I have some times harbored bad feelings about her. I can remember being a young woman, mother, and homeless in the 80s. I was at the lowest point in my life. I was trapped staying awhile at my ex-in-laws and my ex-father in-law trying to guilt me into sleeping with him, (Oh I could tell stories to raise the hair on your head!) feeling SO overwhelmed and such a failure...And there on the TV was Jim and Tammy in their LAVISH crazy house doing Thanksgiving dinner...and I had nothing to be thankful for that year...except the fact I didn't die.
Here these people CLAIMING to have the road to god...preaching at ME to send send send send more I could go to heaven...while they showed their dog house that cost $30k with AIR CONDITIONING and I didn't have a home for my two babies!!! I didn't know where my next meal was coming from...and that stupid bitch was singing about making lemon aid when life hands you lemons! ALL it did was make me sour on religion. Truth.
I remember sitting there feeling so angry...wondering what will REALLY happen to people that bleed the sheep! The poor dumb sheep.
I am just glad that I can find things to be grateful for now...