DAY TWO: Celebrate the Small Stuff
Okay, so are you balanced yet?
I'm kidding. Balance is not something that happens to you and then you're done. (I'm so sorry to be the bearer of bad news.) It's a perpetual process. So what that means is, you have to celebrate your successes along the way -- even if they're small. In fact, particularly if they're small. Congratulating yourself for your everyday victories not only makes you feel good; it also inspires you to keep on going. Today, your task is to take note of all the positive things that you've done or experienced since beginning this challenge. Absolutely everything counts!
Your assignment: List the things that happened or the insights you had in the last six weeks that made you feel as if you were moving toward a more balanced life. And then brag about them! Be shameless -- you've spent a lot of time and energy on trying new things, and you deserve heaps of praise.
Jot your list down in your journal or hang it on the fridge or at the office. Make mention of some of your successes in conversations with your family and friends. I know I'd love to hear what's been working for you. Please come share your list on the iFeel Good Community Challenge Group.