DAY THREE: Finding Balance
Now that you've cleared some space for yourself, it's time to do some big-picture thinking. What do we mean by balance, and what does the mind-body connection have to do with it?
To me, balance comes from choosing what makes me feel better instead of worse (eating a salad versus a double bacon cheeseburger, for example). It also means accepting what life presents without trying to change it, cling to it or push it away. It sounds simple enough, but balance is a lifelong process. You can never "get balanced" and then be done with it.
To achieve balance, we must be aware of our own needs. We all have an internal wisdom that lives deep inside our bodies -- it's what we refer to as a "gut feeling." The problem is that in today's stressful world, there is so much going on that this voice is nearly drowned out.
The mind-body connection is the channel of communication between your physical and emotional self. Many events in life, both good and bad, can cause anxiety or stress. If you try to ignore these feelings or don't know how to cope, your body knows something is amiss. It responds by exhibiting symptoms like stomach pain, back aches, exhaustion or insomnia. Once you learn to pay attention to these signals, you will find that your body communicates its needs quite skillfully.
Learning to establish good emotional health -- through techniques like stress reduction, meditation and exercise -- will not only make you happier; it will also make you healthier. This is the heart of mind-body medicine -- and this challenge.
Your assignment: Spend 10 minutes sitting quietly. If your mind is racing, lie on your back on the floor with a pillow underneath your knees. As you begin to relax, ask yourself, Is there anything my body is trying to tell me? Make a mental list of any physical ailments you are or have been experiencing. Now think about what's been consuming you lately. Are you stressed at work, angry at a loved one, planning a big move? What underlying emotions do you associate with these things? Don't discount any thoughts that pop into your head. Just make note of them.
Are others experiencing the same symptoms as you? Talk about it on the iFeel Good group forum.