DAY ONE: Find a Room of Your Own
"Children love to be alone because alone is where they know themselves, and where they dream." --Roger Rosenblatt
We all need a place to relax and reflect. Virginia Woolf had a room of her own; Superman, his Fortress of Solitude. Spending time alone helps us find peace, encourages thought and lets us rejuvenate, so we can emerge ready to handle whatever lies ahead.
Getting rid of things we don't need can be a great catharsis. It helps us stop worrying about things that don't matter. I know I feel a palpable sense of relief when I finally go through the pile of papers that inevitably accumulates on the kitchen table. Purging also frees up space for new things to come into our lives --- possessions, sure, but also intangible things such as hopes, habits and attitudes. Buddhists believe that it's our attachment to things that impedes our happiness. What kinds of things are you hanging on to that don't really serve you anymore?
To do: Remove anything in your sanctuary that doesn't help you stay on the path to becoming more balanced. We already discussed the television, the computer and the phone. You should also move any gossip magazines, "beach" reading, piles of work and bills. Even mementos, in excess, can be distracting. Make piles of stuff: one to throw away, one to donate, one to move to a more appropriate part of the house. Again, be vigilant. We'll decorate your sanctuary later in the week, so today, think minimalism.
Once you've cleared some space, give the area a good cleaning. You don't want to be sitting on cracker crumbs in your area of refuge. (Trust me! I know. It's very uncomfortable.) Let the hard work you do today be an outward manifestation of your drive to create a more balanced life.
When you've finished, sit quietly in your sanctuary and soak up the feeling in the room. Notice how it has changed since you cleaned up. Over the next few weeks -- and beyond --- remember that cleaning and maintaining your sanctuary can help renew your dedication to your practice.
this is a great idea and a great challenge! i have already been trying to get things together for a garage sale, so it is the perfect opportunity! and girl, do i have CLUTTER! especially in the work and sanctuary areas! so i have a goal for this week! thanks! and oh yes, your hair came out very lovely!
Posted by: cindy | Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 09:52 AM