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Monday, May 14, 2007



he is going to do it finally? not sure why either...why mess with a good thing! my pretnd boyfriend has been married a long time already! LOL! (antonio banderas)

Amanda Button

amen on not messin' up a good thing! Why why why??? They have already been together forever and seem so grounded and stable. Oh well, my now-broken heart will mend, i suppose! LOL!

Hope you are feeling lots better!

Gypsy Purple--Chamara

Pining heart.....


Indeed, indeed my purple Gypsy friend!


oh my, that mans so yummy , mmm .


He was my guilty secret for a LONG time...back when we were both young! giggle

I would NEVER tell anyone how much I lusted for him! Giggle...Now, I don't care and I just say he IS my pretend boyfriend! Ah age, being comfortable in your own skin!


I didn't know he was getting married~ waaaaahhhh

I heard his lil one had ecoli but she is ok now~

are you going tommorrow to see the new pirates!? mmmmm I can't wait to go, probably will go 4-5 times ;)

hope all is well with you my sweet friend~

xo Bella


What you mean your pretend boyfriend!! ;-) Can we share? So is he getting married to Vanessa Paradis? And do you know that they are supposed to have bought a 2M dollar house about an hour from where I now live? There was actually a rumor this Spring that they had been spotted in Bath and were living here until the house was fixed. I haven't seen him yet :-(


Oh I guess I can share if I don't know about it! Yes, from what I heard in the online rags he is marrying Vanessa...I just don't get why ruin a good thing when they are happy and already have their children! But I hope him the best...

AND keep your eyes open and catch a photo for me...

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Effy Wild Class 2019

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Gypsy Tarot Card Art

  • Death
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