Well, the last few days I have been experiencing Deja-vu...which has triggered some panic attacks...yesterday was bad...these attacks feel like the end of the world as I know it is coming! No matter what I tell myself...that is the feeling.
And those of you who know me, know that I do not have a relationship with my daughter...LONG story I don't want to go into right now! However, some thing really funny happened to me today. For some time now (must be my Witch Alert going off) I have been feeling like I was going to run across my daughter on the net! I didn't know how or why just a nagging feeling...I thought maybe on the blog or flickr...not unexpected like this.
Too weird! It happened today! So listen to how this plays out! LOL
I open my email on break at work...I get the "Daily Candy" weekend guide...talks about things to check out on the net and in the area I live. So on the bottom is this:
Dye Your Hair
What: Streak your tresses with flamingo pink or electric blue semipermanent color.
Why: Girls just wanna have fun.
Where: Online at manicpanic.com.
So I crack up and think wouldn't it be fun if it was a wash out kind of dye to use for just the weekend to have bright hair for fun! I work in such a conservative place I can't dye my hair artist style! la de da de da oh hum usual day...So I get this page...
http://www.manicpanic.com/cream%20hair%20color.html I am thinking cool looking bottles! I was thinking Deadly Nightshade or Lie Locks but I do notice it is not temporary rats! But I see the link: View Hair Colors on Dyehards (people like you!) I think to myself, hum, people like me? Middle aged women artists who likes funky hair? Not likely! Snort!
So naturally I touch the link and I start to giggle and I ask my co-worker..."Hey does ANY ONE look familiar???" She says, "OHMYGAWD that is YOUR daughter!" Go figure! What a really weird day!
Of course my boyfriend gives me that look! I tell him genetics are genetics after all! Snort Groan! I know the photo has to be old because I don't see her piercings...
The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children. Dietrich Bonhoeffer