Your nurturing instinct is strong today, Gypsy. This is an excellent day to finally reveal your opinions about the situations at hand. You have probably been sitting in the background quietly observing and collecting data for quite some time. Now you are ready to come out of the shadows and let your conclusions be heard. Don't let others push you around. Take a stand for what you know is right.
Nurturing not so much. Wanting to run screaming away A LOT.
Michael's son, who is a really a depressing kid, I won't go into here, just that he drains any positive energy around me when he is constantly around me. Michael took his computer and put it in the living room the problem was he was in CONSTANT view of me...and I just could not take it any more. He has been here for MONTHS in my vision. Too much!
Yesterday I asked that he move him. I need space! He said he wasn't going to. I cannot have that negative energy depleating me constantly!!! It is too much for me. This kid does NOTHING...has no life...lives in the box of his computer! It makes me nuts.
So today, he got it...I don't know why, but he moved the kid back into his bedroom...I am starting to feel a relief! But it is lingering right now... The kid can suck any joy out of a room. I think he may have a personality disorder of some kind. I am just glad he is not constantly in my vision anymore. I couldn't take it.
If it was his daughter that would not have been an issue...she is joy! She does not suck the life out of you...she has facial expressions and laughs! I can't wait to feel MORE of myself now...
Gypsy, glad you are getting your own 'space' around you. Too bad about Michael's son. I always try to talk to him and at least say hello, talk about the cat, the computer...he responds and I think it's a good thing. Sounds like you are making the best of it. How well I remember when my 5 step - siblings moved in with us and how my poor Mom had to deal with children who were not raised well. I feel for you!!! Beth
Posted by: Beth | Tuesday, February 20, 2007 at 11:37 AM