Love: Tower Touchstone: The Fool Career: The Hermit
Confusion reigns in your love life, dear Gypsy. Faced with the storm that threatens to engulf you, you're dreaming of turning on your heels and running far away from your familiar surroundings to a place where nobody knows you and nobody hassles you. The alliance of the Fool and the Tower indicates an irrepressible desire for freedom. Go on, run for it!
You are fortunate in that you have a clear vision of what you want out of life, Gypsy. Many people never truly know what it is they are meant to be doing. Even with the distinct advantage that you have, however, you may still find it difficult to "live your bliss," as the expression goes. Too many people, all of them well meaning, try hard to impose their opinions on you. It's difficult not to let yourself be swayed. Stand firm, Gypsy. You better than anyone know what's best for you.