You know some times life is just brutal. Today was just one of those days. One hit from life after another. You know the kind of day that kicks the shit out of your self-esteem and cuts you to your soul. Makes you second guess every move you have made and makes you wake up from sleep walking!
Hum... I guess the best thing about it is the reflection I have to do on my life. It is good to reflect on where you are and how you got there...
- Be ACCOUNTABLE to yourself...
- Own it...
- ADMIT what went wrong...
- WHY you weren't paying attention...
- LISTENING to the universe as to what was happening...
- And CHANGING what you were doing so as NOT to get into trouble...
But when you ignore the signs, when you are not accountable to yourself things can spin. So I am spun. Eh, its ok I am going to shake it off and start over.
It is never to late as long as you take the first step to change! God knows I have done a lot of that! Suck it up and put on my big girl panties!
- Scold myself.
- Forgive myself.
- Release myself.
- Open myself.
- Be brave.
- Be strong.
- Be resilient.
- Be tenacious.
- Be focused.
- Be determined.
- Be happy.
- Be specific.
- Most of all relax, own it and move on!
So tonight the first steps.
- I have set up "A Law of Attraction - Dream Journal" putting in it VERY specifically what I want to attract in my life, what I want to accomplish so I can SEE it...Believe it...and receive it!
- Set up Quicken Financial Program (I bought it in 2005 and never used it!). This way I will be accountable for my finances instead of feeling shame and out of control, I will take control and KNOW every cent...and go by a budget! No more frills until I reach my goal.
- Forgive myself and move on!
- Be realistic.
- Dream BIG.
- Find my self-esteem.
- Find balance in my life.
- Let go anger...fear...resentment if I find any.
eHem, no pressure!
oh my sweet gypsy~
I am so with you, I feel your pain~ I haven't been blog visiting lately, but everytime I come here, you always teach me something, you are such an inspiration to me!! xo ~Bella
p.s. I am in the midst of wicked storm also~
Posted by: Izabella | Thursday, February 01, 2007 at 10:23 PM
Oh Bella (I love calling you Bella!)
Storms are wicked things, that are so necessary! The storms scare you...make you brave...clean cobwebs out of your ears so you can hear the Universe whisper to you. And some times have to strip you of everything because we refuse to change...when we are stripped of every thing we see clearly what is real and what is important. I always say listen to the whisper you don't want the bat hitting you over the head to get your attention! : ) Unfortunately many times I have waited for the bat! snort!
I am honored I can inspire you! Some times as I am living my life I wonder what the point is. And then YOU write me. Thank you!
Posted by: Gypsy | Friday, February 02, 2007 at 07:11 AM