This morning while going through my every day routine of life I see a VERY special email! I cannot even express in words what is in my heart!!! I am so very excited for my friend Lucy and her family!
Lucy has been to Mexico to see some of them in person! I am just so thrilled that her family will be honored in this speical way! It just makes my heart so warm! I would have loved to have had such a rich family history...I have stories, not many, and know nothing of the time of my family in Mexico that her story just makes me feel connected some how to my family. I know it sounds strange, but it does...
Lucy feels dizzy! I can understand why! This is so fabulous!!! Yeah for Candelario and José Rivas!
Dear Family,
I just got a call from my good friend Marco Ibarra, who lives in San Francisco and who has been a friend of the Rivas family for some time. He has been extremely interested in the Rivas family art, and has let Ann and I stay in his fabulous family house when we visit Aguascalientes. We plan to go there this June. He was so excited when he called me that I had to slow him down to get the following story:
Marco's sister Rebecca, who lives in the family house in Aguascalientes is married to a very nice and generous man who is the top aid to one of the senators from the state. This senator so happens to be close to President Fox, who will be ending his term early next year. As is traditional, the outgoing president elevates several great Mexican individuals as sort of heroes of Mexico. (I didn't get the exact translation ). According to Rebecca's husband, six Mexican artist will be honored as great contributors to
the country's culture and heritage, and that two of them will be Candelario and José Rivas!!!!!!!!!!!
As astonishing as this sounds, it could very well be true. I had heard from the pastor of the great Cathedral in León during my last visit two years ago that Candelario's murals were being professionally photographed because he was being honored as a great artist of Mexico. Also, one other strange incedent that we know of might be related. On of the books we gave to our distant cousin, Eugenia Romo Reyes was never returned after being loaned to an art historian from Mexico City because he needed it . . . .
Marco says he will call me as soon as he hears about the press release from his sister Rebecca, who is looking out for it.
Now we have two things to be excited about . . .Stay tuned . . . . Gene