Wow! How fun was today? It was F U N !!! It was a day in Pebble Beach! And it was P E R F E C T !!!!! The weather was great! The company was great! The food was fantastic! I had really missed Bev since she has been a world traveler AND doing races!
Lucy showed us how to make the mosaics, I chose to do a cigar box shrine! Ah! heaven! She made fimo white tiles for us to paint with acrylic paints and then embellish them with 3D fabric paint! AND she made us each crown frames for the shrines! So much fun! Every one's tiles were all so different! Every one sharing the filler tiles and laughter! As Beth said it was so exciting to make art in a home filled with incredible family art! Such inspiration all around us!
Here is the process for my shrine the painting of the fimo and some clay tiles that Bev brought, then arranged in the cigar box, trying out different ways to lay them and then the actual finished product that has some of the tiles in layers as much as three tiles under each to raise them up and be a little different. Note: I finished the box on Sunday and boy am I happy! I even put in seed beads where the holes were! I painted the rest of the open door gold as well to match. I love it! I like the way it turned out! And I am going to glue a hanging bar on the back in case I want to hang it on the wall later. I am still not sure what I will do on the front and back when it is closed...
Thanks everyone for sharing such a fun day and to have us all together to celebrate two birthdays and have a reason to eat cake! Grin The food was so good, and the coffee was so yummy! Simplicity is so perfect don't you think? Although I horrifed Beth when Cecelia and I put fruit in our Champaign! I won't do it front of you! Grin I was so happy to share such a fun celebration of birthdays! Just celebrating the moment!
We had a surprise from Bev, she made us each a journal with great paper inside and the outside is a place mat! Brilliant! I love the size and I love how it opens and how it feels when you hold it and I can't wait to paint in it to start the journaling process in this special book! Of course I was a greedy pig and piped up I wanted THIS one for the colors! Each one was different but the same! So much fun! This is going to be a great project! I just love the idea of this! It can be a glue book, a colage book, a painted journal...what ever you want it to be! Brilliant! : ) Plus goodies from China too!
Then Lucy drove us down 17 Mile Drive to see the sunset! Oh how I love to do this with her, it is a tradition that I just love! I got some great shots of the ocean and the sunset! (Well great for me! grin) I sure enjoy this beautiful area...I am so lucky to live in paradise! No rain, crisp air, roar of the waves, pelicans flying looking for food, and fun women to share the experience with! That is what life is all about! Every time I am near the beach I re-connect with myself, it re-sets my mood, my inspiration and spirituality! And it is greater with people you enjoy!
How fun was today? FUNNNNNNNNN! Yes, you did slightly horrify me when you 'contaminated' the champagne with fruit LOL!! To each his own Miss Gypsy - you can do that whenever you want :) I just like it in it's virgin state, myself. Great pics and you were right, you get great shots from a moving car!!! So glad you finished your mosaic, I hope to glue mine down by tomorrow.
Posted by: Beth | Monday, November 27, 2006 at 01:07 PM
Hee hee hee...ok I will try to be like you and like it in its virgin state! So I guess you can tell I don't know wine or champaign! Giggle
You will have to share pics when you are done glueing yours! I am SO excited!!!!!
Posted by: Gypsy | Monday, November 27, 2006 at 01:24 PM