Well my morning started off early, up at 6 am through the shower and CLEANING...we had to take the house from Filthy to Dirty. The boys were outside in their cage today because I just didn't have time to clean the cage...
Michael cracks me up...he tells me this morning after all the cleaning frenzy that He would NEVER mop for anyone else...so that means he loves me...I told him he just didn't want to be embarrassed...and he laughed and said NO I wouldn't do that for anyone else! Grin I think he is so cute when he says things like that! He knows I cannot mop...since that is what caused my back injury!
Whew!!!! it was finally done by 9 am and I had time to clean myself up, put my make up on and sit and have a cup of coffee before anyone got here!
Maybe like Michael said we got a jump on the problem of feeling so stuck...and now to keep up the clean! I get tired of it being a mess...but I just don't like hurting myself cleaning! We decided if we win the lottery we are getting a maid EVERY DAY and a cook at least 3 times a week! (One can dream!)
Bev was not able to make it today...but Lucy, Beth, Cecilia and her daughter Elizabeth came for the day! Oh what anxiety I had before they got here...and then I was at ease once we were able to share all the art in my home...Beth thought I lived in a Museum! I love when people tell me that...then I don't feel like such a jerk because I love all my stuff every where and it makes me happy to view them!
Of course typical Gypsy ... I cleaned so well I CAN'T find my camera download wire again! Sigh! I have great photos to share!!! darn it! I am a nerd!
Cecilia brought this fun template for us for a pop up folding book kinda like a star book but it isn't a star book...I don't know how to explain it...but we are making one! She made us each one and then we are making one!
She also brought the books she is working on and a Halloween lunch pail she altered with a book inside! OH MY GAWD wait till you see the photos!
Then Lucy shared her Art & Soul projects from Oregon!!! YUM and we are going to do the Mosaics that she learned! SO exciting!
We all shared Halloween goodies too! Wow...not only am I exhausted...I am still on a high from all the art sharing! I enjoyed everyone coming over and sharing their lives with me! I love having such incredible art friends! Some times I get an art headache!
We had so much food! I bought low calorie deli meats, cheese, crackers, fruit torte. love Safeways fruit torte! They brought stuff, fruit and dessert...cheese cake! Wowza! too good!
Now to get motivated to FINISH my swaps tomorrow...right now I am exhausted...in pain...over stuffed...and still washing clothes!! Sigh!! WHINE!!! We are still cleaning! Sigh...but my back ... my hip ... is hurting! Sorry Mizz Julie!
Miss Gypsy, who cares about floors when you can look up at such wonderful art everywhere!!!! Michael is a DOLL for mopping, we did appreciate all the efforts and glad that you have clean palette, so to speak! LOVED seeing your huge collection, it is awesome and overwhelming....I could sit there for hours and days and salivate over it all. Thanks for hosting us and inspiring me even more. Beth
Posted by: Beth | Sunday, October 22, 2006 at 10:45 AM
Okay!! quit with all the cleaning...I'm starting to feel so guilty! I need to clean this house soooo bad...but everytime I clean...I ache! so..I put it off! If I could afford a maid....I WOULD!!!! Sounds like you had fun though! That's what counts! Andy mops for me all the time! YIPPEE!
Posted by: vicci_ann | Tuesday, October 24, 2006 at 11:25 AM