The reason why I love this cat!
Originally uploaded by Gypsy Froggie.
Alien is a little squirel. She is afraid of everything and is a little anti-social. But when she gets demanding like she has in the last few days, she decided she needed to be ON me and hugging me!
I have been trying to get the matted hair on her back taken care of but she won't let me maybe after tonight she will and maybe I can trim her nails...
She is such a little snuggle bunny! She is sitting on my shoulder under my chin watching Extreme Make Over with me...purring like only she does...very lightly and adorable! This has been the highlight of my day!
Hey Gyps....What a pretty cat!!! I have a black cat....and now I want a white one! I'm still working on the art room and putting things away in that hutch....sometimes things take forever...(it seems)...have a good evening....
Posted by: vicci | Monday, September 25, 2006 at 03:59 PM