Cemetery, La Plata, Argentina
Originally uploaded by Marcelo Montecino.
I saw this photo on one of the Flickr groups and it instantly struck me about my delima with one of my up coming swaps...a book on my spirituality. Some times I am just to numb to feel where I am on that journey.
This photo reminded me about how conflicted I am about spirituality, which I some times confuse with religion. Religion and I do not get along, yet I know I am spiritual and earthy.
I just know that I no longer have the same beliefs I did while I was married. I lost that religion at the same time I freed myself from the oppression of a bad marriage.
I feel religion keeps women trapped in a union that forces them to compromise their individuality and uniqueness. You can have magical thinking all you want, but it won't free you. And when men dictate how a woman should live, it just bugs me! Don't tell me how many children to have, if I should have children, and damn me if I don't want any more!
And while we are on the subject, don't judge me because I choose to live with my boyfriend rather than marry him and tell me I am living in sin! In fact, I believe I lived in sin for TWENTY YEARS to a man who couldn't love me! That is a sin! All that wasted time of my youth!
AND when I am divorced the 20 years I was married I may think of re-marriage! So there! Snort!
So now you know why this photo appealed to me! Grin
Hi Gypsy:
Thank you for this post. I am glad I am not the only one, who feels spiritually disconnected from time to time.
Posted by: pip | Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 08:15 PM
Hi Pilar!
Thanks for commenting ~ it helps to know I am not alone! : ) Some times I feel like an alien!
Posted by: Gypsy | Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 08:26 PM