Then the drive to Priscilla's! It looked like Carmel Valley driving there. She lives in a vineyard, and it is really beautiful driving there. It is out there...and boy is the house B E A U T I F U L!
What a treat for your soul! When you walk into the house you feel like you have walked into a Gallery with a curator who loves life! And a lively pup Maxine! I LOVED her! She was exuberant with life! the way a pup should! She was endearing!
It is breath taking. I had no pre-conceived idea about her home, and this was FABO! Her home is a reflection of her! I love the way she looks, you can see she is an artist! And her home reflects that! Paintings, various styles and very eclectic. Heads, I love heads, a Hindu hand at the fire place catches my breath, and those stunning WINDOWS that show the outside beauty. Every where there is hidden the house and in the landscape!
I was in eye-candy heaven!!! My mind was racing with color and visions!!! I wish I had taken photos of the art! I ached to make some when I saw so much around me! It was inspirational! And she was very gracious to extend an invitation to us! I especially wish I had taken a photo of her fireplace in her bedroom!!!! OH MY GAWD! The colors, the texture, the way it was shaped! I know it sounds strange but it reminded me of Beetle Juice the Wedding scene where the fireplace was angled, only hers is beautiful!
The best part...her studio!!! Yikes! how wonderful to work in a place that has room for your supplies, that has a place for you to work comfortably. To be placed in the middle of beauty and it is all yours!
Her Master's Project was out...and boy do I love it! The concept...AND the outcome! Fading Memory. The beads she chose were not the most shiney, bright, nor young looking...they were muted like fading beauty. The second one was dark beads to represent Pessimism and the brighter ones optimism. The fur around the necks, I immediately thought of women aging and how they hide their necks...not wanting to show their wrinkles or what on Alley McBeal they called turkey warple!