Badass women doing their art!

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    Badass artist, follow her, take some classes, become a badass!
  • LoriMarsha
    I am honored to own several pieces of her art!
  • Lindsay Ostrom
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Thursday, May 18, 2006



:-) :-) :-)

Gypsy, hope you were not trying to embarras me! LOL. What a sweet way to start the day. Now, I have to mention that I've had that thing for Naveen Andrews for about 10 years, that it's not a passing thing due to "Lost" or anything. As far as I'm concerned, he is It :-) I was delighted to read last year that he and Barbara Hershey were a couple. She used to be a favorite actress of mine. She has it too!


Embarrass? No way, I was just helping with the obsession! Giggle!

I think he is pretty hot as well...I would not intentionally do anything to hurt you! AND Shame on me for not noticing him before LOST...and speaking of LOST it is driving me crazy! I just don't get it! LOL


Oh Gypsy, I was only joking!! I knew what your intention was. LOL
How can one say no to eye candy? But it's more than just that. I simply think he is a neat guy.

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Effy Wild Class 2019

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Gypsy Tarot Card Art

  • Death
    These are photos of the Collage Cards that I am doing in an Online Tarot Class. I am placing the images on used CDs...kind of recycling!