Today started out pretty rough...I couldn't find something to wear...although my outfit rocked today when I finally put it all together! My black long skirt, brown turtle neck with my butterfly netskie necklace, with my short brown leather jacket and pointy witch boots! Running through the house late...didn't get all my make up on...finished at work later...every thing I touched turned to ca-ca...but then an act of kindness struck!
I got to my desk AND A PLUSH GREEN ADORABLE FROG WAS SITTING ON MY DESK! No note...and when I picked it up it was heavy! Batteries!!!! what does it do? I thought I needed to put batteries in when Moon and I were doing that Oz came by and said those are new batteries! I said how do you turn him on! he said LOOK AT THE STICKER PRESS HERE! DUH! HE LEFT THE FROG!!!! AND IT MOVES AND SINGS WHAT A WONDERFUL LIFE BY LOUIS ARMSTRONG!!!! It sounds and MOVES just like Louis!!!! His little lip even quivers as he sings! Too fun! Tomorrow I bringing my special green hankie that Lana gave me and I attaching it to his front leg!!!! It made my whole day worth being there!!!! Just look!
That is waaaaay too cute!
Posted by: Tina | Monday, November 07, 2005 at 11:04 PM