So I got a voicemail from the kid...wondered how he was doing...and find out he sent an email to my spam email set up for items that ask you for your email on line! grin So I went there and sure enough there he was! giggle
Geez! How proud am I?!!! TONS proud! Something clicked at 26 and he is kicking ass! Smile so big my face hurts! AND how is it I get roped into homework? However, I am sad about my Bonnie being sad! Wish I could hug her!
Sorry I have been so busy I don't even have a chance to talk with anyone very long. I just finished my paper for this week and thought I should talk to you for a while. I am going to send my papers to you from now on so you can review them for me and check for grammar and flow. I am pulling another B average in this class, but trying to sneak my way into the A territory. Its tough.
Did you know that Bonnie's grandma died on Saturday night? We did the funeral in Hawthorne on Tuesday and Bonnie has been off of work for a week. She is having issues for the first time I guess. I had them when the car accident happened.
On a happy note, we are pre-approved for $200,000 and are looking for a house or condo. I started my company as well. I am the president - a non-profit organization. I am the only paid employee but there is a board of directors of four people. I have an annual salary of $25,000 which goes nicely with Bonnie working and my other full-time job bringing in the bacon. Lately has been full-steam to see what I can actually do in this life. More than I thought.
Here is a little picture of me holding the corporate binder and my latest papers.
Love you |
Wow! That is fantabulous news! Woot!
What kind of company is he running? You know me--always interested when people start their own business!
Posted by: Tina | Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 07:20 AM
Wow, that is so awesome.
You both should be proud!
Posted by: Heathen | Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 09:41 PM
Elsie...from Chinese SweatShop Zine lore has told me this: By the way, what a lovely letter your son gave you! I feel happy for you!!
Me too! His business is teaching children how to play Chess! His passion is Chess, so I am very happy for him!
Posted by: Gypsy | Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 10:15 PM