My new friend June made me laugh...she wrote me in an email:
So tell me - how do you find time for all your activities? A job. a family, a beau, art, blogging, zines...etc. Don’t you ever sleep? (Or have you been ordering decaf at Starbucks again?) You amaze me, woman!
My response:
You make me laugh! I don't think I do NEARLY ENOUGH with my time! Like I waste too much of it! So I guess it is all in how you look at it...I keep thinking if I felt better, I could do more, and then yell at myself that I should just do it anyway whether I feel better or not! Grin AND I have banned myself from Starbucks during the week! That was something else! (I ordered decaf and I am sure it was not since I was UP all night!) When I got divorced I promised myself that I would say YES. When I was asked to do something, if at all possible I would say YES!