Today is an excellent day for you, GYPSY, and you will find that you are a welcomed addition to any crowd. Your delightful nature is at its most active. You have the unique capability of being aggressive about getting what you want without disturbing the flow of the energy around you. People will respect and honor your sensitive and nurturing qualities. This is what will win the game for you.
Well...I can tell you THAT didn't happen today! My energy was completely off today AND I had to keep my cool with my doctor...who had not called me back from the 12th!!! So I called yesterday and the person assisting her couldn't understand that NO DOCTOR CALLED ME BACK even though the computer said they had...finally I just said today, FINE MAKE ME AN APPOINTMENT and I will SEE her.
This is how it went: When I got there the same woman from the phone (speaking English is a problem) wanted to weigh me...I said NO...I am NOT HERE FOR THAT...she said, your not going to? Precisely...what is the point YOU DID THAT LAST TIME! I am not here for a physical, I am not here for an ILLNESS I AM HERE FOR A REACTION TO THE MEDICATION! GAH
When was you last physical, mammogram, Pap...READ THE CHART I TOLD YOU LAST TIME I WAS HERE Which was a couple of weeks ago!!! It wasn't done here....NO I AM A NEW PATIENT!!!! Let me take your blood pressure, why now? You just made it go up!!!!
So I guess I was in bitch mode!!!! The doc apparently doesn't think that I have an allergy...just a reaction...the bumps on my arms are "from hair follicles"...what ever! They were not there BEFORE I started to take meds! Aren't you glad I got a new doctor??? I can't take other meds in the other family of meds because they are sulfa I live with this or...don't take anything...pout...AND she doesn't think my knee pain is from the med...I asked why the pharmacist told me 1 in 10 have joint problems? She said it made no sense since it was for joint problems...My head hurts now.
I know, I know, I have to remember its "Practicing Medicine!"