Badass women doing their art!

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  • LoriMarsha
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  • Lindsay Ostrom
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Saturday, July 30, 2005



I have a dumb question...what on earth is a fat book?


Exactly what I am asking! Giggle
It is a bunch of different artists who sign up for a book, each person creates a double sided page, 4x4, with artwork and embellishment.

I have never actually seen the fear is chomping my butt right now...I created 40 double sided pages for the Nightmare before Christmas book I am in...and I don't like it. So I have done a whole OTHER double sided page (4x4) and will be embellishing it tomorrow when I go back to get more supplies!

There are 39 other artists making these pages, the hostess then puts them all together some how in a you get a book with 40 pages double sided, with a lot of different peoples styles and such!

So I have really no idea if I have done it right, what kind of embellishment other people use, how ellaborate the embellishment is...because I over do things...I have no idea if I have done it right!

But it is all for artistic growth! Rolling eyes...giggle
AND thanks for asking!

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Effy Wild Class 2019

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