Exquisite...Rich...Tasty...Exuberant...Luscious...Glorious...Absolutely Faboo!
I have to mull this around my mouth of soul art...and then I will tell the story of the day. I just need a few minutes to ruminate about the whole day.
Well of course the day started out by sharing...Linda S, Linda R and Lucy were the gals that attended the classes at the Art Bar, True Colors classes! Whoot! What faboo stuff they did in deed! YUM Just sharing excitement about the art is infectious!
Lucy got hooked on Tag art...and she found some paint sample chips at the Good Will store...and gave some to us to use!!!! She prepped them all with Gesso, so we would have the time to do the gluing and varithane and glitter! We made about 12 each...double sided! WHOOT We took a free magazine from a gallery and used those images. Now all I have to do is find the fibers I want to use as the fringe.
Linda R and Lucy while at the Art Bar had a mission and enlisted people around them to help them gather things for us that could NOT attend, and she threw down a challenge, that we each do a themed altered book! I am doing "Gypsy" what a stretch for me huh! Anyway, the books are going to be round robin.
Then they gave us the goodies for the day! Here was the bag and what was in it! There is a lot of faboo stuff packed in there including a home made block with stretched canvas over it to do something fantastic on! I am looking forward to this!
The themes for the Round Robin books are:
- Gypsy
- Mermaid
- Jewels
- Birds
- Hands
- Fairy's
- The Four Seasons
So I am putting together envies to hold everything I find for those themes! I will try to stay organized! Giggle On the right is a photo album of some of the items the girls did at the Art Bar and some of us from today! And of course I have some in Flicker too!
Note: I stayed up until Midnight on Saturday making the ATCs...I couldn't NOT do one...what a goof huh! LOL