It's only impossible until it's possible.
~Jean Luc Picarde, "Star Trek the Next Generation"
Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work.
~H.L. Hunt
Well, things are going well for the retirement gig tomorrow, I got the Gift Certificate for $200 at a collectible shop for Department 56 for the gal retiring, AND picked up the two frames needed for photo's I am giving her. My boss got most of the food...I am doing some baked beans with onion/bacon/brown sugar. So we are good to go! Just have to pick up balloons and cake tomorrow!
I am getting off work early to start stuff...and it is supposed to be really HOT of course! It is an outside BBQ at my bosses house! GAH...
Now if I can just get rid of my anxiety things would be good!
And I am a little nervous because my son received three of the four cards I sent...of course the checks were in the card he DIDN'T receive!!! Now I am worried about that...maybe it is just a day that I feel I need to worry about everything.
Breathe, and everything will be fine.
And I love that you quoted a Star Trek character! But there is no "e" at the end of Picard.
Sorry, I am a "Card Carrying Star Trek UberGeek(tm)" so could not help myself. I am SUCH an ST:UberGeek that when I say "Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning" it's from Star Trek, not from Peter Pan.
And when I say "Cry "havoc!" and let loose the dogs of war" I am not quoting Shakespeare, but Star Trek again. I mean, you've never see Shakespeare until you have seen it performed in the original Klingon.
Well, at least I know the original source materials 8)
Posted by: Michael | Wednesday, June 29, 2005 at 10:38 PM
Yes Michael, that saved your credibility!!! You KNEW the sources! Giggle! Hum, I will HAVE to try Shakespeare performed in the original Klingon! Do you have a source?
But I have to tell you I am a Peter Pan when I say "Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning", which I say quite often, I WILL be referring to my first love Peter!
Thank you ~ You totally made me smile!
Posted by: Gypsy | Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 06:54 AM