So JEALOUS!!!! I remember Aithne telling me that I must have rubbed off on her concerning frogs and the love there in, however, I have been an airhead lately and did NOT realize she bought a REAL LIVE FROG!!! Oh he is lovely!
Meet Freddy! He is wonderful! Go give Aithne some love! And I figured out how to do words or sentences with the link! Whoot! Thanks for that too! Maybe there is hope for me yet! Smirk
Now isn't he just a B E A U T I F U L frog!!! I SO miss my Laurel and Hardy frogs...but I have enough animals and just don't have the time for them right now.
Oh this was a nice surprise. And yes, he is cute and just swimming around right next to me. Thanks for bringing some magic into my life!
Posted by: aithne | Monday, May 23, 2005 at 05:55 PM