Badass women doing their art!

  • Effy Wild
    Badass artist, follow her, take some classes, become a badass!
  • LoriMarsha
    I am honored to own several pieces of her art!
  • Lindsay Ostrom
    Another friends blog! Man alive this woman is a prolific artist! I love her and her art!
  • Pip Notes
    Such a good friend to me!
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Member since 05/2004

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Wednesday, May 11, 2005



Hi -- yahoo e-mail is not going through apparently. Just got a message saying my e-mail to you didn't go. Thought I'd try this and see if I'm getting out at all. Sometimes e-mail doesn't work as it should, but I didn't want you to think I was not trying to respond. I'll try to send you my address, etc., later in the day.


Wow, gorgeous bks! You are so blessed to be in this class w/ all this talent. And a bk by Traci, is that not just the best news! Going to be hard to wait on for sure.

Hope you're having a good day,
hugs and hugs,

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January 2024

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Effy Wild Class 2019

  • February work
    I am in Effy Wilds 365 Class If you want to stretch yourself as a person and an artist consider taking one of her classes! You can find her here:

Gypsy Tarot Card Art

  • Death
    These are photos of the Collage Cards that I am doing in an Online Tarot Class. I am placing the images on used CDs...kind of recycling!