"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
~Harold Whitman~
Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.
~Samuel Butler~
I am not a good person in the morning...I am not a morning person...and the way I woke up this morning was ugly, my boyfriend had a malfunciton with his computer on his resume that he SENT IN...I guess some how his computer made the resume huge...
Well part of the problem is his shit is OLD...I mean OLD...so old that he could not buy new software and put it on his computer because it wouldn't know what to do with it! It is great and alright to use it for what he does but when it comes to working on software and making it work...he needs a new computer or not be so stubborn, get on my PC and do it...GAH....
I was not very sensitive or supportive with the ranting and slamming of this morning... because I WAS NOT AWAKE AND IT WAS ANNOYING!!!! How my morning is sets the tone of the day...ugh...I know I am a horrible person...I will feel bad in about two hours when I am awake, that I wasn't "SENSITIVE"...He is so wonderful I don't think that he would be visibly annoyed with me...I wish I was more like him...
I know he is disappointed because no one wants to look bad, especially putting in your resume to computer/geeky LARGE company in your very own area...I feel the pain...I just can't respond properly when there are tantrums happening...AND I AM NOT AWAKE! Believe me my guy IS A GEEK! He WOULD fit right in that company! This guy loves nothing better than doing hard HTML code, works on Linex (or how ever you spell it)
Now I am not saying that I would maybe have not acted that way if it was with me...what I am saying is that FIRST thing before I even OPEN my eyes is ugly for me...(gawd knows it is all about me right?) Its not like I can get away from it...