I took down all of my Halloween decorations...and it always makes me a little sad...I always keep up some of my witch stuff because I enjoy it so much, but my fall flowers, the pumpkins and such are all put away now...sigh...and down will come the xmas boxes tomorrow and start that whole thing.
Have to say, I am so not in the mood for xmas...but it is upon us...just have to get the decorations out and up...especially since I have a party this month...I guess it has to be festive! *giggle*
Decorate with "Nightmare Before Christmas" in mind. That way you get both 8)
Posted by: Michael | Thursday, December 02, 2004 at 07:12 AM
I have my Christmas tree up, but my Fall wreath is still on the door. What kind of a dork am I? LOL!
Posted by: Retro Girl | Thursday, December 02, 2004 at 12:44 PM
I love Halloween, too....and also Los Dias de los Muertos....I have Day of the Dead things all over my house all year long. My mother in law from Indiana looked twice at them, and then didn't ask. LOL
Posted by: emma | Wednesday, December 08, 2004 at 09:49 PM