Today the girls at work went to lunch for Mitzi's birthday, at Don Giovani's! Yum! Overpriced but good, and a very nice atmosphere.
We always have such a good time when we go out. We laugh and giggle and are so loud people stare at us! But silliness is too good to restrain anywhere, and even in public I think it is completely appropriate! <evil grin>
I love being around these women! They so bring me joy and I learn so much from them! It is nice to laugh easily, to be yourself, not have to pretend to be something different or hold back because you can't trust someone! I guess working with each other for 20 years has paid off! Can't believe it has been that long! Amazes me every time I realize that!
Enjoy your life...the ride is fast...just like the old "E" ticket rides at Disney! LOL <for those who were not born then, E ticket rides were always the fastest and best rides in the park!>