Whenever I Call You "Friend"
Stevie Nicks
Written by Kenny Loggins and M. Manchester.
Whenever I call you friend
I begin to think I understand
Anything we are
You and I have always been ever and ever
I see myself within your eyes
And that's all I need to show me why
Everything I do, always takes me home to you
Ever and ever
Now I know my life has given me more
Than memories day by day...we can see
In every moment there's a reason to carry on
I had a lot of fun with this one...still not how I envisioned it...but I am not unhappy with it. I like it.
Michael has been my best friend for 20 years. And the song has significant meaning to me...my exhusband could be quite crewl, and I remember that the last night I saw him as we talked about why I was ending our marriage, I thought to myself over and over again this one thought! "I will never again see myself through YOUR eyes"...
Michael adores me, always has, and is VERY kind and I so LOVE seeing myself though HIS eyes! I used to tell him all the time to keep those funny glasses on...you know the rose colored ones! LOL
In the notes I remembered the "Fiery Crown - for clarifying fire" so I immediately thought of Queen Latifa (sp?) CD cover with her hair on fire! Love that!
Of course I had to use the Adam & Eve paradise gained and lost... devil and angels whispering.
I had to have Some Where in Time there since it is one of my comfort movies. Cary Grant who I am mad about. Stevie dancing to the moon.
A tiger (Michael has been known as Tiger from infant hood) and a frog (me). And the sexy legs attached to my fairylike body with my face!! Giggle I really like that image it is fun.
I loved the "Erotic Revival Crusade" Logo, because I found myself again when I was able to embrace Michael... that part of myself was so dead for such a long time, I celebrate his ability to awaken me from a deep sleep!