Quickie: Don't be so suspicious of others' motives. Maybe they really do just want to help. Sharp wits and goofy humor work together to make your partner's holiday stress feel less heavy and more lighthearted. You can't argue if you're busy dancing. Daily extended Are the things you're surrounding yourself with necessities, or simply useless material items? If you don't know the definitive answer to that question, you're about to find out. Luxuries and amenities begin to fade out of the picture, leaving you to ponder what is truly important. By the light of the stars it's just you and the nitty-gritty, the brass tacks and all those other ways of describing hard reality. You've done it before, and you can do it again. This is funny, since I am trying to get out of my clutter mess! BEFORE my party in December! “Necessities or useless material?” LOL And the fact that money is getting tight…very scary scope indeed! My girl friend Pamela came over for lunch today…she loved my house…and said it was less cluttered than last time, I laughed and showed her my garage! Giggle She laughed and said when she retires in 6 months she would organize me! I love my friends!