Ok one of my goofy co-workers just fessed up to me today! For the last few weeks I thought I was loosing my mind, well what is left of it. I eat Yoplait Yogurt and they have this thing where you can send the lids in for cancer research. When I am finished eating it I place the lid on a certain spot on my desk.
Well here is the thing, I THOUGHT I kept forgetting to bring my yogurt in for the morning but by the end of the day the lid is there! I think to myself, WTF? I was hungry this morning...I don't REMEMBER eating any yogurt because I have been to lazy to bring it in!
GAH! In walks my co-worker today..."Have I been driving you crazy? Did you notice my lids?"
I wanted to strangle her! Only in my work that is not allowed! I guess she didn't want to pop for the .37 stamps to send them in! LOL At least now I know it is HER not me losing my ev'a loving mind! Sheesh!