This is a photo of Pallie and I taken this year, the woman I adopted to be my mother over 10 years ago! Whats amazing me is how people talking on email can misunderstand eachother with out meaning to! By the way she calls me Greedy.
It started out:
Today I read your journal, very interesting. I know that the heat wave, gaining weight, balancing your checkbook, sick cat, boredom, crummy moods are all the things we have to put up. When I am feeling down, sorry for myself, blue and just plain shitty I bring my thoughts back to my dear friend Gwen, whose days are numbered. You are a very beautiful, talented, intelligent woman and you are going to have days that you wish you could blank out but be thankful even for those days and say to yourself "I know this is temporary and this too will pass" and it always does. How's this for a novel idea, buy yourself a window air conditioner for your bedroom'; that way you could at least get a good nights sleep. You see, I have the opposite problem, even tho we had a long hot summer, periodically I had to go outside to warm up, wear ear muffs and mittens in the house (try hand sewing with them on) because Bob keeps the house at sub zero. He works outside all day in the blazing heat and wants to be cool when he comes in. I'm having Bob take pictures of our addition and will get them off to you. Gotta run. Love ya, Mom
So I send back:
Pallie Woman!
So all you got from my journal was whining???? Wow...maybe I should stop writing all together! Because I thought it was more than just whining!!! ???
Michael DID NOT want to put in a window air conditioner...then he got mad cause I bought the portable...then I got mad cause it didn't work...and he got to say I told you so...the heat makes me so sick!
You are a very beautiful, talented, intelligent woman ... Well thank you for saying that! We never feel that way about ourselves. I am off to get ready for work....Love ya! Greedy
She vollied with:
It always amazes me as to what each of us get out of each other words. I did not think you were whining. I was only trying to point out how lucky we are compared to some others. I found your journal very interesting and and very you. I wish I could let go of some of my inner feelings as well as you do, in other words, think a little more outside the box. I try to remind myself that our "health" is really the most important thing but that doesn't always work for me. I know it to be true but when you are in the middle of a pile of doo doo sometimes it is hard to get out. When are you coming up? Does Michael know the shower rule? tee hee What is Michael going to do while we are doing our thing? Tell him to bring some old clothes, Bob will put him to work. I don't cook much any more so be thinking of some things that we can make that are quick and easy. Love ya, Mom
Note: The shower rule is who ever is the last to shower has to DRY THE SHOWER! I ALWAYS get stuck with this chore when I am there! LOL
More from Her:
Hows this for an idea! Less Tarot carding and more garbage bagging????? (I have been making her a thread garbage bag for the last 2 years...crazy quilted...all I have to do is sew it up now!)
I laughed so hard at my last message I almost wet my pants, I love my own jokes. Mom
If it wasn't for me, who would keep you on the straight and narrow and your head OUT of the clouds? Tell Michael, I will expect some computer lessons. Mom
I am so glad she is in my life even when we misunderstand each other! : )