Right now all this information overwhelmed me...I think I am tired from the day. But it is interesting to me that there is symmetry to my life...here I am working on all these symbols for the Tarot Class, and I am working the writting out in my journal and struggling with meanings personal to me...and I get that commission...where I use symbols in my Crazy Quilting...and I am sketching things out for it and seeing the deeper meanings of my sketch to represent the city and the club...ironic to me! *giggle* Huge lessons for me!
In traditional tarot symbolism, the Magician represents the will that begins the process of creation. It's not necessarily creation -itself-but the idea, the precursor, and the first creative spark that starts that whole ball rolling. It's the moment when you start translating an unformed idea into something physical and real, and is a necessary step in the process of making anything manifest in the physical world. (Like that moment of clarity right after you have a really great idea, and you start motivating your tail end toward the studio to see how you can make it come out.)