I was able to pick up one of my girlfriends, Princess, and go to a local store that was having a Red Hat day! Hat shaped cakes lots of Red Hat items...they had Make and Takes...fun items to try and bring home! Fun! Princess has not felt good in a really long time, so it was nice getting her out of the house! I have missed her!
But oh no, that was NOT the best part for me...they had HALLOWEEN stuff out! Oh my! And I bought me some Halloween things!!!
(I know, shhh! I should not have! but I did...Sigh, Bad Gypsy! Glad I have a job!)
For those of you that don't know...The Red Hat Society is a DIS-organization for women, not a service club, but a sort of club for women to celebrate aging in this society! It is about not becoming "invisable" while we age...and celebrating the next stage of our lives...