The muse of life was playing with me today! I had a relatively good day at work, I didn't toss my cookies, I played well with others, I avoided the bitch from the dark side, ranted only once to co-worker who is living in work area with bitch from the dark side, I laughed a lot, I only got yelled at once over the phone by snotty lady who didn't tell me our voice mail was broken until she let me transfer her four times! Dumb ass! I was on a roll today...totally caught up with all the things on my desk! And was a successful bulldog for my boss and had to yell at him to go home! That is always fun.
Whew feeling good ~ come home to empty house ~ pout where is everyone? And then I go about calling Blockbuster that keeps sending me an annoying voice robot telling me Mona Lisa is outstanding when I took it back the SAME day as the others!
GRRR and there they are...ALL OVER the place...all over my studio/family room, all over my cats food, water, and have successfully surrounded the bird and are making their way to my kitchen! ANTS the dreaded beasts!!!
EGADS I HATE ANTS! Swarms of them! I am alone with 3 cats starring at me screaming, my bird reacting to my screams by her own screams! (good wake the neighbors up that their kids drives me insane with screams day in and day out and I have no patience when I am sick...shut the child up or take her in the house!!! your neighbors don't want to hear it! So now they encourage my bird to act like her! Egads She screams at my fence my bird screams back! GAH Parrots never forget!)
So hot, tired and sweaty Gypsy is running around the house trying to contain the dreaded beasts! Telling the bird to be quiet when I riled her up, I am trying to get a mop and bucket after I have sprayed them with window cleaner (the only thing I could find fast) and now have to mop them up! of course I have to dump the cat food...sigh...they are crawling everywhere! the Gypsy starts to cry...whimp that she is because she HATES ANTS!
I buck up...I continue my sweaty attempts...I am still trying to open up doors and windows, I stand on my tiptoes to reach the drape pulls (I am short) and I get the worst calf cramp I have ever had!!! I am frozen in mid attempt to reach the stupid thing, I can not stand, I can not sit, I can not do anything but wreath in pain and hope that at some point I will be able to put my foot on the floor, get out of the corner I am in and open the damn window because I am HOT!
Boyfriend walks in at this time, he is frustrated because he was just at Osh where they have ANT KILLER! Did he buy any? Hell no! He didn't know we needed it~ so out he goes while I continue vacuuming and mopping and dripping! He comes back and trys to track the damn things in the house to see where they are coming from ~ MY FIREPLACE! I just had a fire in there yesterday! You would think that would be a deterant! (when I am sick I have fires it is a requirement for feeling better even in Summer)
Nice night! Time for bed now! Since my tummy does not feel good enough for a Margarita! GAH
I'm sorry. I hate ant invasions (almost) as much as you do.
If you did not know, ants won't walk on cinnamon. So if you make a dilute paste out of cinnamon and water, you could surround your bird and cat food with something less toxic than spray. I usually draw a line around things with the paste using my finger to keep them out.
Posted by: Michael | Wednesday, August 25, 2004 at 11:08 PM
Gag - ants! Once they get in the seem to get everywhere. Hope you got all the little buggers and got some rest so you feel better.
Posted by: Beth | Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 09:20 AM