Ok she was caught stealing gas, but is she getting a kickback for advertising for Coke?
Well, this is thought provoking. Does shame based retrobution work in society? And if it does, can our Cities bring about Public Slapping in front of City Hall for a fee to keep our cities up and running? This is a suggestion from my boyfriend. Charge some one to be able to slap some one for being stupid! Now fully KNOWING we will all end up in front of City Hall at some point being slapped! So Maybe we put bleachers out we can charge the crowd a small coin to watch...and be able to keep our failing California Cities afloat! Maybe I need to write Arnold...he seems to be open to new ideas! LOL
Say you are driving down the street to get to your destination and this car comes on doing way over the speed limit crossing every lane (which is five in this case) to be in the far left...cutting you off. Get the license number, approach City Hall with said license number, pay the fee, City Hall contacts said idiot and tells them they must come to City Hall at date and time and on you step to give the slap! Ah, all is satisfied you can now go on your daily business without the impending ulcer! I Like It! Warped...but I like it!