Ah...the green green grass of home!!! I thought it was hot here! Nope...I was just in HELL!
I survived my first LONG drive by myself adventure! I took off on Thursday Morning and drove to Reno NV to see my son and his wife. They have had their FIRST apartment there since last September, and I promised that I would go up and see them...they had their heart set on it, so I decided that I would!
I have driven to Oregon...but I wasn't alone in the Truck...I get very nervous being alone on such long trips...because I am paranoid from where I work! LOL Those crime cases will do it to you every time!
I made pretty good timing both ways...I left at 9:00 am and got there at 1:40 pm...but when I got there, I thought I had landed in HELL! It was 102* in DRY heat! I never knew that my curly hair could go straight and flat! I was expecting my hair to do the bozo the clown thing...not limp and flat! LOL
Bless their hearts that they can live there! I give them a lot of credit! And I am glad that at least they can afford to live there! My kids have a very nice 2 bedroom apartment in a FOUR block apartment complex! Shesh! Can't imagine! But it is there first real place and it is decorated really cute as well...and they are so proud...It is so good to see that they are really making it in the world! They could NOT do that here in California! They were below the standard of poor here! So there, although my son is not happy in the dessert, he can live and grow and accomplish things that he cannot here, and like I told him last month, he can drive the 4-5 hours and be in Santa Cruz for a weekend or vacation to get the fix of beach and green! Do not come back here just to be poor again!
So he is finding a way to balance all of his needs and that makes a mother's heart very happy! I was sad to leave, I really miss him! But I am so proud of him, I could never want anything less than the best for him!
I can't believe the ONLY thing I forgot for the trip was my CAMERA! Mz. Picture taker forgot her digital! I didn't get a throw down until Last night! Sigh...But the memories are good! When I get these developed I will have to post a few!
I was also able to see a really good friend of mine and his family while I was there, I descended on him for at least 5 hours and they were so gracious! They put up with me until my son was off work on Friday! They fed me, showed me another friends house that is being built, took me shopping where I found a french table cloth for $19!!! must be fake but it is a beautiful yellow and blue! I worked with JDub for 15 years every day...and I have so missed him since he retired last Sept! And his wife Julee is such a sweetie! She puts up with all of us tack less people so well...she is a whimsy girl too! She does cross stitch and gave me a couple of patterns for me to try again...with my numbers problem I don't do counted! LOL I will try though! She gave me two cute Halloween motifs!
So I was good for this trip! I had promised to go and see him and his wife as well! So I am very happy I did the trip! These people are very happy there...they have a BEAUTIFUL new house that was built for them, and I had made them a welcome gift, and I used blues, I was worried about the color choice because I had NO idea what their colors were! I scored! It was blue and yellow theme!
What a ride! I am exhausted! I can not get over the fact that I drove it all by myself! giggle! I did good too! No accidents...no mishaps...I only took 1 wrong turn from Highway 5 to Highway 205...I took the business side rather than the one I was supposed to on the way home...got scared and found out it was a better option because the other part of the freeway was a parking lot! I bypassed all of it! *grin* Lucky rookie!
I was in such awe driving on 80 after Grass Valley and such...the Sierra's are stunning! Of course I am afraid of heights...and going up I just stayed in the left lane so I didn't have to worry about falling off the Mountain side! But it was stunning! I enjoyed that part of the drive...I definately DO NOT like busy traffic! When you don't know where the hell you are! And the interchanges here in California are just STUPID! Or I am the one that is stupid and can't figure it all out!
There were some healing times to the trip...talking to the kids...I have never told them a lot about how I was raised and tortured as a child...or why I have certain opinions of family! LOL but we were able to discuss some of that. And openly talked about his grandmother, who I have NOT talked to in, hum this year is the 10th year. He was saying that she was turning into a "sweet" old lady... at which point I laughed and said a leopard does not change their spots...and his wife laughed and said I was right, she is NOT a sweet old lady! She has hurt her feelings every time they see her...which does not surprise me a bit! My son just wants his family to get along...and there is nothing wrong with that! Just not going to happen.
And we talked about his dad...which is always hard for all of us. Like about the women problems and drug problems and working problems. He thinks his dad will be dead in less than 5 years...and he has been able to see just how much of a hypocrite he is, which is good, but also sad. But he see's just how happy I am and how dramatically my life has changed...and the nice part of it was how he finally see's that I walk the talk...not talk the talk and not walk the walk like his father. During the converstation I finally saw that he did get some things from me, that he was paying attention! He gave me a very high compliment about how he got his work ethic and ablity to finish things from watching me...sigh of relief!
I told my daughter in law how concerned I get talking about some of the things, but she told me that I was the only rational person in the family and I need to tell him these things. So now I will start to feel more comfortable telling him more of the truth.
Wow...I am just drained!
Off to take a long nap!