Taking care of yourself today means taking care of your home, GYPSY. If at all possible, stick close to your nest and do things to improve your sacred sanctuary. Vacuum, dust, and scrub! Get your hands dirty. You will reap great rewards when you are through. There will be a special sense of accomplishment that will bring you closer to your home. If possible, try to get other members of your family involved as well.
The LAST thing I want to do today IS CLEAN!!!! It is beautiful already! No! Art for me today! I am going to make a mess of my studio! And tomorrow is booked up for an Art & Wine Festival! So NO no cleaning for me I my dear's am on V A C A T I O N !
I am sitting here this morning...catching up with friends on the grey box...drinking my chocolate macademia nut coffee and listening to Billie Holiday's Greatest Hits! Ah...lalala...in a gravely jazzy kind of voice...love the day!