Let me introduce you to Hooter, she is 19 years old and very sick right now. Sigh. I have just been inundated with sad things lately and this is just one more thing to add to it. I know I should expect things to go wrong with her since she is 19, but I just wasn't expecting it. As the doctor looked at me and said she felt a lump on her neck (what lump I didn't feel a lump before! panic) I think my brain just went into shock and denial. Sigh
I guess we will find out sometime tomorrow the blood work...could just be that she has something happening with her thyroid which is common in old cats. This cat has survived four kids and an ass of an ex-husband...nurtured me through all of it and made me laugh hysterically...and from the beast that she was, if you tried to touch her before she would shred you, to know the loving and trusting grand lady that she is - purely because of Michael, and his unconditional love of her...she is not that beast ... unless of course she feels what Michael feels...he did not like the vet and then neither did she, suddenly she struck quick as lightening! I tried to warn the vet...oh she is 19 she said...she showed her! She is Still quick! And then the vet had respect and fear of the Great Hooter Warrior! Next time the vet will believe me when I say get a towel and guard your flesh that is showing! Michael got yelled at by the vet because he laughed when she got her, but he laughed because she had the stregth to at least fight back!!! A good sign to us.
Well the doctor called first thing this morning...Well, all her test came back good. She is a little anemic but that is not unusual in old cats. She simply had a stroke, and that is why her foot/leg is so swollen. We were happy that she ate for Michael this morning while he spoiled her and she drank, pooped and ate more normal.
She just got done being mad at me, I had to give her some meds for her stomach, so she can still eat and be normal...we have to try to get her to walk around some today, so she can get rid of the swollen foot...
Whew....VERY rough night...but she is looking MUCH better this morning! Later ... she may have some type of aspirin therapy for reducing stokes, but right now that would be too hard on her tummy...
The Vet was so empressed with how healthy she is...she was expecting that we were experiencing heart/lung and kidney failure and scared the hell out of me last night!!!! I had not thought of a possibility that we would loose Hooter until she said that to me last night! ......
But like I said she is resting and eating and will be back to Warrior Kitty soon!