I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it. -Harry Fosdick
Life is definately a mystery...and I would rather live with mystery than in a very small confined world...I did that for too many years...and I so don't want to comprehend the world! I want it all to be so different, facinating, wonderful and mind blowing! Have life change my opinions that I thought I knew so well. Change my prejudices...make me a different person every day. Teach me something new every day. Make me grow even if growth is uncomfortable, I would rather grow, than be stagnant!
Life can change in an instant! It has been happening all around me! In the last 5 months 3 people I know have died or are in the process of dying from liver cancer. How bizaar is that? THREE people! That is a lot. Today I found out about another person!
Finding out that news makes it imperative to change the way we live our lives unconsciencely. We need to be aware of everything we are doing daily...we need to feel what we are living...have joy in our life...even if things are bad, we must find some thing to turn it around in our own minds. Grow. Move. Breathe. Live. We are on the best journey!