Well today was another interesting day at work! It is memory week. One of our guys that has over 30 years retired, so I have been working on a Memory Coffee Table Book for him.
One of my guys said hey can you just scan these photos so I can have pages of them to give to him...of course perfectionist that I am...I ask what are you going to do with it? He says 'I'm going to give it to him for his coffee table!'...then he saw "the Look", and knew he was in trouble, NO don't do anything fancy!
Too late! You retire AFTER 30 years you DESERVE more than weird pages to put on your table! So as the graphic designer I am I HAD to do some thing better and classey for him! And since I am the Department Historian as well I have MANY old photo's in fact, I know where ALL the bodies are buried! And I always shock people with what I have! I have photos from back to 1920s! LOL Don't mess with me or you will be famous in ways you don't want to be! LOL
But most sickly, I just can't leave things half assed! It is just not in me to do that.
Awwwwwwwwwwwww! I'll bet the guy LOVES it. I'd love to see it, and I don't even know where you work. heh
Posted by: carolyn | Wednesday, June 16, 2004 at 06:17 AM